How to sell me lemonade
An open letter to the lemonade-sellers in my neighborhood:
Hi girls! I was happy to see you on Sunday: it’s great that you started a business together to sell lemonade on sunny days. I’m excited to see entrepreneurs on my street and I’d love to give you a few quarters for your appropriate summer product. Here are some ways that would help me help you…
On a hot Sunday afternoon, the tinkling of ice cubes in a tall glass would be irresistible to me. It would make a music all its own to thirsty ears, no words required. Ripping and clipping through my dry weed patch, I longed for lemonade or anything cool. I was hot and tired. While I appreciated your offer to deliver it to me, shouted as you cycled past, if you had come closer with your product, and asked me from the slower pace of the sidewalk, I would not have been able to resist grabbing at least a glass or two.
Having a credit system would benefit the neighborhood. That afternoon I had clippers in hand in the middle of a nasty weed patch, lopping thistles into bits. Going into the house to locate quarters was not a possibility. But if you could please extend me some credit or allow me to open an account with you paying either in advance or retroactively, I would be grateful. And I think you would be too.
In the meantime, I’ll try to remember to put a couple quarters in my pocket the next time I go outside to spend a sunny day with a pair of clippers…hope to see you again sometime soon…:-)
Tags: friends