to Jorrit Wiersma, who is ending his blog. I don’t know what words to say on such an occasion. And to bid farewell to a Dutch guy speaking English, I should probably speak Dutch. How about auf wiedersehen, as an American woman speaking German?! Then again when I was in Germany last, many said Ciao!
Thanks, Jorrit. Many blessings to you and your family. I’ll especially miss reading about Silke’s adventures since it sounds like she would get along well with my own Elisabeth
1 response so far ↓
1 Jorrit Wiersma // Aug 26, 2004 at 6:25 am
Thanks Julie, I’m happy you enjoy what I write. I might keep some sort of a blog after this, but probably one that won’t be updated nearly as often as Dutch Guy.

I like informal greetings best, so Doei, see you about (or rather: read about you).