Yesterday was a good day.
I felt as if a load had lifted from me.
Perhaps it was because I got some exercise in the morning for the first time in a week.
Maybe it was the sunshine and warmer weather, the precious blue of the sky.
Or maybe it was the walk the girls and I took through the neighborhood. We watched a squirrel scamper through the curved boughs of a cedar tree and saw little birds hopping on the forest floor, searching for food.
It probably had to do with Ted being home again, and back at home now for a while.
Or that Ted and I had spent some good time together Sunday night, talking, praying and just being together.
I’m not sure what it was, but yesterday was a wonderful day.
This morning I woke up early enough to see the sunrise, yellow and pink against the bluish clouds. I saw the sunrise and I hoped that today would be as good a day as yesterday.
December 9th, 2003 · No Comments
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