Saw this site printed on a Safeway flyer in today’s mail:
Lots of information about cheese, including a guide, encyclopedia of sorts, with pictures, details and definitions – like this one on Farmer Cheese which I learned is made from pressed cottage cheese.
Lots of recipes, including one for aged cheddar cheese ice cream . Now in Italy I had some mascarpone gelato once but the thought of cheddar cheese ice cream isn’t appealing to me….
Another interesting feature is the food & wine pairings page. Click on a cheese and it will tell you which wine and foods would go best.
Ah, but since Ted is lactose-intolerant, I don’t think I’ll be cooking much from this site. Maybe when he goes away again, like to ApacheCon next year. The girls and I have our macaroni, milkshake and pizza fixes in his absence. We do like cheese. Maybe even love it. But still not sure I’m up for trying to make a batch of cheddar cheese ice cream….
1 response so far ↓
1 medmusings // Dec 18, 2003 at 12:55 pm
wine & cheese pairings
at least according to the American Dairy Assn (which i also got medical snailmail spam abt milk/calcium), these are good pairings [via julie]….