JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Parents who blog

February 11th, 2004 · No Comments

  • Steven’s son sends him spam of e-card movies.
    I think this is too cute to call it spam.

  • Halley had to make the big parental decision to leave the O’Reilly conference in San Diego and bring her sick son home.
    I haven’t had to make too many of those yet but I applaud what she chose to do.

  • John’s counting his blessings – and he inspired Adam to write up his own at-home-dad-story.
    I’m realizing how much more I need to be grateful for what we’ve got – including Ted working at home!

  • Dooce’s newborn baby has Picasso poop that she’s tempted to frame on the fridge.
    I’ve made a list of must haves for new moms and dads – I’m thinking I might make a list of blog posts, must-reads for new moms and dads , and include this one from Dooce and some of Lisa’s .

  • Tags: blog