The other day, on NPR, I heard a report about the relationship between Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun and Chief Justice Warren Burger who had grown up together in Minnesota. Blackmun Archives: Prickly Friendship on Court :
NPR’s Nina Totenberg finishes her series of reports based on the newly released records of Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, who died five years ago. Some of the thousands of documents trace the relationship of Blackmun and Chief Justice Warren Burger, who grew up together and delighted in serving on the court together. Later, professional conflicts damaged their friendship.
One line in the piece described Blackmun’s mother’s feelings about the relationship between the two Justices: His mother had a warning for him
I liked it that here he was, not only a grown man, but a Supreme Court Justice of the United States, and his mother still had advice to give him.
And she was right.