JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Something old, something new

April 27th, 2004 · 2 Comments

Last night I discovered something new about my husband. I discovered how much I love his drawings. Sure, I think we’ve played Pictionary in the past and now and then I’ll see a little sketch of his. But what happened tonight was spontaneous and revealing. It was a new discovery for me.

After dinner we all cuddled on the sofa. The girls were playing with a large (Learning Bus) Magnadoodle. Ted took a turn and began drawing pictures. Soon the sine-curve and squiggles morphed into quick sketches. It became a game of creativity. My husband can sketch a cute wine glass and T-bone steak (with fork and knife)! It was fun to see the liquid lines – drawn with the bulky Magnadoodle stick on a string – become recognizable shapes. Snuggling together on the sofa, a pile of family, we all guessed together what he was creating.

I like finding new things about my husband. We’ve been together a while, but I’m still discovering who he is. I hope I always am.

Lisa Williams described her introduction to sushi.

Nice to still be having firsts at my age. Hope to be still having firsts at age 85.

And I hope I’m still having firsts with my husband, still discovering new things together, at age 85 and beyond….

As Lisa commented on another post on her blog

Dear Husband has depths of mystery I have yet to plumb. That, of course, is the good news.

On the one hand I think you can feel you know the person you love: your romance can feel “old hat” a bit, comfortable, familiar (you might even make a list!). Then again, there are depths to be discovered, mysteries revealed, something new every day to enjoy with each other….

Tags: marriage

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 emily // Apr 28, 2004 at 1:46 pm

    I must echo! We look forward to new discoveries about each other too…mysteries yet to plumb.

  • 2 Katherine // Apr 28, 2004 at 5:23 pm

    I love that, when I can say to my husband of 11 years, “Hey, I didn’t know that about you! What else don’t I know yet?” Or he’ll come up with some turn of phrase I’ve never heard of, and I’ll ask him where he learned it. Can spark interesting discussion.