The other day the girls and I made a puppet theater/playhouse out of an old dryer box we’d had saved since our moving days. I cut out a door and a window then covered the cardboard with some extra primer and white latex paint. I let Abigail and Michaela help with the painting part. Michaela did a few strokes with the little trim roller on the side of the box, then it was Abigail’s turn.
I didn’t see Michaela make any messes while she was painting – she looked fine as she gave the roller to her older sister – but when I looked at her again, moments later, standing next to Abigail, she somehow had white hair – a whole section near the front of her head. A few shampoos and a few days later, she still has some white in her hair. White hair at age 2. A bit premature, don’t ya think? Guess I could get her some hair dye to cover it up…
…Now Ted and I might be getting a gray hair here or there, especially through these past five years of parenting, but when the kids’ hair starts changing color too….then we’re all getting old before our time…Kids these days grow up too fast! …Pass the Clairol, Michaela !