The other day our neighborhood had a garage sale. We stopped at one house and found some treasures for our family: a bunk bed set, two 3-D books with plastic parts, and a Potato Head family of three packed into a pink suitcase. After we bought our purchases, we spent another hour at another garage, not buying anything, but hanging out with the neighbors. The girls got licked by a dog. The grown-ups talked. Transactions took place. Not only transfers from garage to garage. But also from heart to heart.
Bunk beds and potato heads
June 6th, 2004 · 2 Comments
Tags: island
2 responses so far ↓
1 Katherine // Jun 6, 2004 at 10:04 pm
Those are so cute! We only have one lonely Mr. Potato Head. So nice yours are in a family
Bunkbeds are fun. We’ve been enjoying ours for 7 years…
2 emily // Jun 7, 2004 at 7:36 pm
What a fun family of toys, a real treasure for your girls.
And to add to Katherine’s comment, we enjoy our bunkbed very much too, for 3.5 yrs. It makes it possible for all four kids to share the same bedroom (and yes, they LIKE it being together, we don’t MAKE them do it). Living in community is precious and valuable.