JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Controlling the roller-coaster

July 13th, 2004 · 1 Comment

  • From Joi Ito today I learned that schoolkids in Japan will be tagged with RFID:

    The tags will be read by readers installed in school gates and other key locations to track the kids’ movements.
    The chips will be put onto kids’ schoolbags, name tags or clothing in one Wakayama prefecture school.

    Needless to say, the school our kids attend, the Leung Family Academy, does not have any plans to install RFID tags or readers…

  • Lisa Williams linked to an article in The Scotsman describing the mixed messages and inconsistent signals in our culture around the issue of child-bearing.

    Our mixed signals say, in other words, that for high-achieving women, having a baby is both an economic and professional disaster, and an essential life-task to be accomplished before they reach 40. Small wonder that so many women tend to put it off until the last possible moment, and then embark on it in circumstances that almost guarantee high stress, mixed feelings, and low fertility

    I love this picture of life:

    But the point is that private life – the erotic, the affectionate, the emotional, the sensual – does not respond well to this kind of control freakery, to the myth that life is a project to be planned, rather than a roller-coaster to be ridden with as much grace as we can muster.

    A day or two later I read this article in the Seattle Times describing how China offers rural couples incentives for having girls.

    A program called “Caring for Girls” allows village officials to pay for girls’ schooling, exempts rural parents from paying taxes and even helps build new homes for parents with two girls — as long as they stop having more children.

    Sterilization is part of the package deal. I didn’t realize that China’s restrictions on children also dictated the spacing between births. Our family would not meet the qualifications for a number of reasons…

    The Scotsman piece also discusses dating:

    Yet this is not entirely about a lack of time or opportunity to meet possible partners. It’s also about some deep change in the texture of our lives, which means that men and women spend more time working together and socialising together than ever before, but in situations that are often desexualised to the point of numbness, and where any attempt to shift the terms of the relationship entails huge emotional and professional risks.

    And so does an article in today’s Seattle Times

    With all the finger pointing, going on, it’s a wonder any of us even try to date. But we do. Why?

    Because we love each other’s company. Because life’s short and Saturday nights can be long. And because now and again, when a surge of electricity momentarily connects that blonde with the cosmo and our shy hero at the bar, it’s the genuine article.

    And that’s something to shout about.

  • Tags: news

    1 response so far ↓

    • 1 philippe boucher // Jul 13, 2004 at 8:10 pm

      Hello! Rather scary this story about tagging kids in Japan…
      I found your blog by googling about the farmer’s market.
      As you can see from the url I have started to digitally record local events and interviews with the goal of enticing the community into the creation of an internet based community radio.
      Would you be interested by an interview about your blog and life on Bainbridge?
      Thank you in advance and congratulations for the blog!