well, not exactly, but I am not happy that my comments are turned off at the moment. The deluge of spam was increasing and flooding my email box with hundreds of messages so I decided (asked Ted) to prevent anyone else from accessing the blog. One by one, I am going through my previous posts and closing the comments. It is interesting to read what I have written through the history of this blog, and to read what others have shared here. So far I have closed comments through 2003. Only eleven more months to do…I suppose this is my punishment for being prolific…
This is the best I can do right now while my tech support is several hundred miles away…but I hope to be able to turn comments back on by Thursday night…
I have a few book reviews I’d like to post and some other thoughts to share but I will get to them later….there’s plenty to read, talk and think about for the next day or so anyway…;-)
Thank you for your understanding.
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