As requested (by Katherine in the comments to this blog entry), I’ve posted a picture of our homemade marzipan from Christmas.
This was the first year we tried to make our own although I’ve thought about it for years. I grew up enjoying marzipan bought from the local grocery store bakery (Safeway) however marzipan fruits no longer seem to be as common as they were during my childhood.
We used canned marzipan as a base and then added a few other ingredients, including food coloring. I forgot to take a picture of the fruits until we had eaten all but a few. Since we are studying German, this recipe brought a good occasion to practice our produce vocabulary. Creations included red apples, green apples, strawberries, watermelon slices and various other edible ideas. The girls want to do it again next year. I do too.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Andrea // Dec 31, 2004 at 5:41 am
We did the same here!
We didn’t make very many fruits, though – we just keep eating hunks of dough.
2 bonnie // Dec 31, 2004 at 11:26 pm
Lovely! I like the colors! What’s next-Austria and Mozartkugeln?! ;~) As a proud resident of Issaquah it is my understanding that Boehm’s Candies is the only place outside of Salzburg where these delicious pistachio marzipan chocolates are made. Happy New Year!
3 Lisa Williams // Jan 2, 2005 at 10:39 pm
Woot! My husband Evan *loves* marzipan, and loves complex cooking projects. I’ll have to suggest this to him. Happy New Year!
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