I’ve been checking weather reports this week, wondering if we’ll see the white stuff sometime, if that magic mix of fronts will bring the frozen preciptation. As Michelle Fierro noted this week, it’s been nice but nippy: Its 31 degrees here in Seattle, with a blue, very clear sky. So unusual, Robert Scoble, back in town after time in the Bay Area, asked Where’s the rain?. I’ve noticed when I’ve stepped outside at night the clarity of the stars, Orion standing before my front door in all its winter wonder. I’ve also noticed we need more mittens and thicker clothes to survive outside. Ryan Anderson explained the chill in the air: The clouds keep Seattle warm in the winter. Without the clouds, we freeze and we are freezing..
A transplant from Chicago, Matthew Rosenberg’ shared his perspective on Seattle weather. His post will become a classic in my book. I liked his list of reasons why the rain is good (excerpt below).
The plus side of Seattle’s frequent drizzle:
a) plants and flowers of all kinds grow, and grow, and grow;
b) one learns not to depend on external factors for fulfillment or happiness – in turn engendering a healthy imperviousness to the ephemera of life, man’s condition, and modernity itself;
c) the moisture is good for your skin;
d) ) rain fosters reading, and eating in;
e) rains boosts coffeehouse culture, and Wi-Fi therein;
Read the end of his post. I do think he’s being optimistic 🙂
And I’m being optimistic too, hoping for wet rather than white, at least until the weekend…but the kids are begging for maple snow …
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