Lauren Gelman whom I met at BloggerCon III, said yes to serving on the Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Authority’s (TSA) Secure Flight Privacy/IT Working Group.
Janelle’s husband is on the USS Abraham Lincoln getting supplies to victims of the tsunami.
Dr. Bob shared a story of attack averted on a flight.
Cheap Eats
Jane Galt’s Eat cheap post and its comment section have good suggestions.
Paul Beard’s yellow pea soup with rosemary sounds yummy and economical too.
Via mimi smartypants, I saw this Official USDA Cost of Food at Home at Four Levels chart (interesting budget numbers…by this chart our grocery receipts don’t look that bad…)
Amanda Witt explained why my children keep wanting to find a name for our van in The Joy of Naming: It is a way of personalizing their world, of showing affection for it.
Grant described anti-entropic life in Connecticut: There is, I think, something very, very, very wrong with not letting things break down.
New Blogs
Last month I heard on NPR a report on one professor’s study of Christmas missives titled “Constructing Personal Identities in Holiday Letters”
Through holiday letters, I learned of two blogs written by friends, both of whom are named Ernie. My high school friend Ernie Chen and Ted’s college buddy Ernie Prabhakar are both newer blogs in my aggregator.
Also new island blogs:
Imagine Bainbridge using a blog to start discussions to help family communications.
Ed Hager stopped by to leave a comment and a blog link.
Philippe Boucher has started a French blog that I can not read, except for the link to me. 
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