I went to bed before blogging. Got too tired to type. That might have made it a bad day.
But the rest of yesterday wasn’t as awful as I might have expected…
When I got up in the morning, I sat down at my desk and read Rayne’s link to the Guardian article… …today is the most depressing day of the year.
And if you want scientific proof, then Cliff Arnall of Cardiff University has it.
He settled on January 24 after using an elaborate formula expressing the delicate interplay of lousy weather, post-Christmas debt, time elapsed since yuletide indulgence, failed new year resolutions, motivation levels, and the desperate need to have something to look forward to.
In short, all that’s left of Christmas today is credit card bills and a pervading sense that the next holiday is months away.
Rayne’s coping mechanisms seemed quite delightful, worthy of such a depressing occasion. I wished for my own chocolate with Erdbeeren and upbeat music to boot.
(note: after I had written this, I was sorry to see Rayne received some sad news indeed)
Later in the day I saw Dave Winer’s link to Tim Jarrett’s disproof of Cliff Arnall’s formula: (Not) the most depressing day of the year
Phew! I was relieved.
Not really.
I already knew January 24th was not the most depressing day of the year. No, it’s one of the best days of the year.
Looking back I’ve wondered why Ted and I got married in New England in the middle of winter. We had to worry about snow (and heard other’s horror stories). I couldn’t have the flowers I wanted. To go somewhere warm to enjoy our honeymoon, we had to travel to Florida.
But we couldn’t wait to get married so we chose the first date we could, after my graduation in December, and after the start of the new semester, when many of our friends would be back in town again.
So we ended up with an anniversary of January 25th. I don’t think January 24th is such a bad day. It’s only hours away from our anniversary! Getting married mid-winter has meant that we have lots of fun, our own family holiday, to anticipate, once Christmas has passed (and Valentine’s Day isn’t that far away either…a way to keep warm…!).
Thirteen years ago yesterday we had our rehearsal and its dinner. Then Ted was blindfolded and carried out of the restaurant. I don’t remember what I did after paying the bill except I know spent the last night without him in our apartment.
January 24th marks the last day in the year of our anniversary. It means we made it one more. I’m grateful for Ted’s faithfulness to me and God’s faithfulness to us. And for all the fun we’ve had together. One of the wonders of marriage is how there’s always someone around to share a smile or a joke, exchange a kiss or a silly one-liner. I hope thirteen is a lucky number, just the beginning for us of the goodness yet to come. Here’s a photo of us (edited) from our most recent adventure…
doesn’t he look cute?!
And yesterday I saw the first crocus in our garden…not depressing at all!
8 responses so far ↓
1 enoch choi // Jan 25, 2005 at 8:52 pm
13 years, wow, has it been that long since With One Voice serenaded you guys at your wedding?
Congradulations! We’re at 10 this year, and look forward to continuing in your footsteps…
2 Andrea // Jan 26, 2005 at 9:09 am
Whoo! happy Anniversary!
3 Katy Lee // Jan 26, 2005 at 10:57 am
I am quite sure 13 is a good number. Mike and I are at 20, and it’s still good! Jan. 25th certainly is a good day, isn’t it??
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have yet to learn to post pictures. I am technically challenged and Elliot has to explain it to me a zillion times before I get it. One day I hope to have a blog as nice as yours!
4 Rayne // Jan 26, 2005 at 5:55 pm
Congrats! wishing you many, many more!
And thanks for the reminder about the crocuses (croci?). I manage to forget to check on them 4 out of 5 years; they start to sprout within the next couple of weeks here, flowering about the first of March. I’ll put it on the calendar now that you’ve shared yours!
5 Julie // Jan 27, 2005 at 7:41 am
Thanks, everyone, for celebrating our 13th anniversary with us!
6 orcmid // Jan 27, 2005 at 1:48 pm
Wow! Gee, thanks for getting married on my birthday. There was someone at the Blogger Business Conference celebrating their birthday on the 25th too.
I also had a near-soulmate who died on my birthday in 1996. I mention that just to underscore how the progression of life is a tender thing. It is not something that diminishes my celebration for you and for myself at all.
Even in his hospital garb, Ted looks better than in my hasty snapshot (http://orcmid.com/viaggio/2004/V041101b.htm) including him!
7 Patricia Taylor // Jan 27, 2005 at 6:46 pm
Wedding anniversaries are wonderful for remembering the goodness of God, the blessing of relationship, the fact that someone who knows you very, very well still loves being with you and dedicates some time to tell you why! David and I were married 28 1/2 years before he took up his heavenly residence, and William and I have been married six years and three months. It is challenging, fun, exciting, and a serious stretching away from the tendency to selfishness. Having someone who loves you, and whom you also treasure, is a special gift from God.
Happy Anniversary, Julie and Ted!
8 michelle // Oct 26, 2005 at 6:58 am
Congradulations and happy anniversary…
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