Yesterday after I watched Dave Winer’s video clip, I realized that we need more Betsy Devines in the world. She’s witty, funny, generous and gracious. Just witness her rosl and daamsva. Life would be much better if more people danced amidst snowbanks on the sidewalk. Betsy’s vivacity, spontaneity and love of fun are addictive and contagious. Who wouldn’t start dancing (also laughing and making vertical snow angels) after being with Betsy? And isn’t dancing what life – and revolutions – are about? A few more Betsy Devines in the world would make life a lot more fun for everyone on the planet. And now that her DNA is available for sale on eBay, cloning Betsy just might be possible for anyone to try…;-)
On second thought, if cloning is too complicated, perhaps an examination and sequencing of her chromosomes would provide the explanation of which particular nucleotides make Betsy as fun and brilliant as she is….and with technology we could copy and insert her genes so we could all be so intriguing…imagine a Betsy Devine vaccine!
Betsy’s joie de vivre reminds me of my friend Patricia who is fluent in French and mother of the proprietor of K’s Cafe . I wish there were duplicate Patricias in the world too, or at least one who didn’t live so far away!
just being silly here…it’s the Betsy effect…look at what happened to Dave too
1 response so far ↓
1 Betsy Devine // Jan 28, 2005 at 2:10 pm
My goodness, Julie–you sure are making me blush. Thank you.
And I’m always impressed by the fun of sharing your life via your blog. Your energy is especially impressive considering how many different ways you express it!
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