Annie will be happy to hear that I now have two U2 tickets to the Seattle show on Monday April 25th. I’ve never before battled Ticketmaster or attended a concert in such a large venue. I don’t often go to concerts, and when I do, it is in a more intimate setting. I guess I’ve never considered it was worth the money and effort to try to go see a high profile performer, or that going to see U2 was a possibility at this stage of life, but the Key Arena location works well for the ferry (better than Tacoma!). Plus I figure the opportunities to see U2 in concert are finite and I’d like to see them at least once before they stop touring. I learned a lot from the ticket buying experience this morning; for example when the first show sold out, suddenly tickets for a new unannounced show (the following night) became available. I’m glad I didn’t quit and walk away from the computer when I didn’t get into the first show. My tickets aren’t ideal but I’m grateful I got two. Let’s just say that it’s difficult to play the Ticketmaster game while caring for sick kids. I should feel guilty for the price but I don’t. Perhaps the thought of seeing U2 in concert is already helping me prepare for the upcoming week which I will spend home alone with three sick kids while Ted travels to San Francisco. Or perhaps I’m justifying the expenditure, as a birthday present. Whatever happens on April 25, I’m sure it will be fun. Hey, I’ll be happy to get out of the house, even if I need binoculars to see Bono.
(Speaking of Bono, interesting commentary on the star at Davos emerged earlier this week in this post, including Grant’s discovery: …we have uncovered a cultural principle: attack Bono and ye shall be attacked in turn. Bono is a sacred figure with special rights and privileges…)
Anyone else going to be there?
7 responses so far ↓
1 enoch choi // Feb 6, 2005 at 1:37 am
congrats on your tix! and God bless your kids will health this week. We’re praying for the same as we journey to singapore for chinese new years!
2 annie // Feb 6, 2005 at 9:52 am
YEAH!!!! You’ll love it. There’s no such thing as a bad seat at a U2 concert. In fact, it’s not a concert, but an epiphany. A religious experience. An education. Where’s an obnoxious jumping smiley emoticon when I need one?!?
3 Karen Provost Riegert // Feb 7, 2005 at 6:29 am
Hi Julie!
Believe it or not, I “just happened” onto your website when I yahoo searched Saw An Angel In the Marble.
How fun!
I will be back……
4 myko // Feb 7, 2005 at 4:41 pm
Some tips for Ticketmaster phone purchases I got from a friend who resold to scalping services:
1) Call a non local number, thye’ll be far less busy than the overloaded local numbers, and will still be able to sell you tickets. (even better if you know a particular city has no bug shows released that day.
2) Call in 5-10 minutes early and ask about tickets for the Sonics or something (anything really), at ticket release time say, “hey how bout those xxx tickets?” You’ll already be on teh phone, and will get a bit further up the queue
Enjoy the show!!
5 jenny // Feb 7, 2005 at 10:21 pm
Wow! I heard those were very hard to get! So cool!
6 joann // Feb 8, 2005 at 1:30 pm
Lucky you! You’re going to have a great time!
7 Nathan Scoggins // Feb 11, 2005 at 12:45 pm
I second the advice posted above. To get floor seats for an LA show, I called Wisconsin at around 9:55. Got into the automated system no problem and (miraculously) had tickets.
And it’s true — with their arena shows there is no bad seat in the house. Bono’s charisma hits the back of the building.
I’ll fill you in on the LA show!
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