At the park the other day, friends from Michaela’s childbirth class commented that they always see me with a child in my arms. One remarked that I must have great biceps. I laughed. Although I am trying to get in shape, I am not doing well with my efforts. Since children arrived, I’ve had a harder time exercising the way I once did.
Recently I remembered that I had a pair of 10 pound weights. I haven’t used them in years; in fact I remember wondering whether moving them from San Jose would be worth the work. The other day I took them out from their place and did a few sets of exercises with them.
Upper body strength has never been my forte. In high school I always worked with the smallest set of dumbells for my arms. I felt like a weakling (although not at 97 pounds). Yet even though it has been years since I last used these weights, I don’t feel sore. The reps I did felt fairly easy. I was surprised. Perhaps my friends were right. Perhaps carrying toddlers around for years has given me more muscle than I realized.
Who needs Charles Atlas when you have children?!
1 response so far ↓
1 joann // Mar 26, 2005 at 9:20 pm
With toddlers/babies, the weights automatically increase monthly/weekly.
One week… baby’s growing, gotten heavier…
Next week… baby seems lighter, was there enough food? milk?
– Oh, my biceps just got stronger.
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