It’s Dave Winer’s birthday today! I know he’s already gone to bed but I hope this still counts as it is not yet midnight where I live. From Susan Mernit’s post and Dave’s own, I’m happy to hear he had a happy time at the geek dinner tonight (wish I had been there too to see cake surprise). I’m not one of the first to greet him but perhaps I’m one of the last. 54 days until I see 50-year-old Dave at Gnomedex! May your sixth decade be your best!
Dave’s mom, Eve, encouraged me with her kind words to her son:
I have to pay homage to my son David who is turning 50 today. I find him to have become a thoughtful, caring and creative person. I think about what it was like to become 50 myself. And at that age I had just achieved an incredible milestone. I had gotten my Ph.D. and became a licensed psychologist. I believe that David is having the same kind of experience in his life at this time. So 50 seems to be just a brief stopping point in a surge of a rise in creativity and accomplishments as an outcome of previous intellectual and emotional work. Happy Birthday David.
Other birthday greetings are in order too…I’m overdue to wish Michael Hanscom a happy occasion. Jenny’s Livi has a special day this month and so do Don Park (on the other side of this midnight!), Enoch Choi , Anita Rowland, Randy Charles Morin (and family), Ariel Meadow Stallings and my brother. Today is also the day Sarah Hughes, one of our favorite skaters, turned 20.
Happy Birthday to all!
5 responses so far ↓
1 Don Park // May 3, 2005 at 4:04 am
Thanks Julie! At midnight, I turned into a grouch for the day but I’ll make an exception for you just to say thanks. I don’t know why but every second of my birthday knocks on my brain like a mute bill collector.
2 Michael Hanscom // May 3, 2005 at 8:36 am
Not overdue at all, Julie — thanks! 🙂
3 enoch choi // May 3, 2005 at 9:35 am
as always, you’re so thoughtful… my my… how do you keep track of all of these bday links? 😉
4 Randy Charles Morin // May 3, 2005 at 3:14 pm
Thanks Julie!
5 Anita Rowland // May 4, 2005 at 10:41 am
Thanks for the early greeting! No firm plans yet.
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