One of the reasons why my pace of posting has slowed is that I have changed my schedule, becoming the early bird I once was, in order to run. I want to get in shape and realized that at this stage of life I wasn’t going to be able to work out unless I wake up in time to do it while everyone is still asleep. The girls though have started getting up earlier with the sun so I started getting up earlier too, moving the alarm clock arm two hours ahead. Exerting myself in the morning also means there is less of me left at night. Often I fall asleep when my daughters do. My strategy for blogging used to be burning the midnight oil but now that I’m burning something else and getting sore muscles, I can’t keep my eyes open and my brain clear enough to post. Ted’s a night owl and one aspect of blogging I enjoyed was the way it encouraged me to keep his schedule. Our difference in natural body clocks has been one of the biggest problems in our marriage. However, one morninig this week I got up when he came to bed. I miss our synchronized lives but I find I’m happier getting up earlier. I have time to myself, time to think, reflect and pray, time to take care of me before I take care of everyone else. I also feel better when I’ve gone running. I’m surprising myself by making my goals and enjoying the new sense of strength and confidence. The early bird may not get many words on the blog. But the early bird gets the workout.
The early bird gets the workout
June 10th, 2005 · 5 Comments
Tags: Uncategorized
5 responses so far ↓
1 Jenny // Jun 10, 2005 at 8:51 am
Since Lucy, I am no longer an early bird exerciser – or a late bird for that matter:) However, I miss those early mornings. I am proud of you for taking proactive steps to do something you enjoy. It’s amazing how doing something enjoyable takes such concerted effort. Keep it up, and know I think you are a admirable woman and mother:)
2 kathe // Jun 10, 2005 at 9:53 pm
Hi Julie! Good for you to “jump” back into running! It is so difficult to find the precious time to incorporate exercise into all the other things of life (and children) that need to be done. This was a huge dilemma for me when our family began…3 kids later, and a move to Bainbridge, I have been able to include a much needed and refreshing morning run into our “hurry up and get breakfast and catch the bus” routine. I’m a nightowl but I cherish how fab I feel after the a.m. run…plus, now that the kids are older (and me,too!) it’s a good role model thing! (but always a struggle of the wills: “why not sleep in and have coffee and go running tomorrow??” that persistent voice says…)
3 joann // Jun 14, 2005 at 11:25 am
Good for you Julie!
4 joann // Jun 14, 2005 at 11:25 am
Good for you Julie!
5 Rae // Jun 19, 2005 at 12:06 pm
Julie, I so know what you are talking about.
I get such a jump when I am up, exercised, coffeed, read, and awake before the girls.
I adjusted my blog time to the lazy part of the afternoon after children are “schooled” and they are outside.
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