Bring blanket and picnic – and your family! – to the Concert at Waterfront Park Wednesday night, and come hang out with other bloggers! The fun starts at 7 and lasts until 8:30 or so. Get ready to enjoy the Cajun sounds of Les Femmes d’enfer and savor a summer evening.
My family and I have a large yellow blanket. We’ll try to arrive by 7 and stake out some space. Let’s plan to look for each other on the side of the park that is to the right of the stage (the side farther from the ferry dock, closer to the crew shells). If possible, please let me know if you can come. Of course, these plans depend on the cooperation of the weather as well.
I apologize for my late posting. I’ve also tried to reach as many local bloggers as I know through email. If you would like me to email you with future plans for blogger gatherings, please comment below or email me: harrowme AT
Hope everyone has a fun summer evening, whether you come to the concert tonight or enjoy the day somewhere else…!
1 response so far ↓
1 Rae // Jul 13, 2005 at 8:27 am
Ahhhh, that sounds so enjoyable, Julie. My older girls are at camp (I am driving up this evening to eat dinner and spend chapel with them), but when they get back, we plan on going to one of the Shakespeare plays at the outdoor theatre.
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