Please forgive me. I feel I have failed at conversation. I apologize that in recent weeks I haven’t kept up with comments and follow-up links as well as I want to do. Here are a number of links I’ve wanted to post for a while. Better late than never, I suppose. I will try to be more prompt and responsive in the future. Thank you for commenting, reading and linking!
In response to my Little House on the Asylum post, Garrett Fitzgerald kindly posted pictures of Laura Ingall Wilder’s home on the banks of Plum Creek – thanks Garrett!
Bainbridge Buzz posted an excellent series on date rape. Detective Anderson’s comments in this piece regarding how rape happens at sleepovers – for girls as young as 8 – reinforced the advice I wrote in this post on preventing sexual abuse. (I also want to commend Steve Gardner of the Bainbridge Islander for his piece on the date rape seminar too – I didn’t know where to find it online to link to it.)
Abigail got her glasses last month, as I had predicted. Already the lenses have been replaced once, after one disappeared on a playground. Thanks to Tamar’s generosity, I discovered Matt’s post on glasses in the classroom. He was kind enough to respond to my post with New Glasses (Part Two). Please go read his excellent blog!
This bumpersticker I posted can be bought here.
Helpful suggestions on my slug post led me to try cups of beer in the garden – success! Dozens and dozens were caught that first night and poured out as exotic escargot for the birds to imbibe. However, I didn’t put the time or money into marinating slugs each night. Too costly. Then again, so were my plants….oops…better luck next year…
1 response so far ↓
1 Garrett Fitzgerald // Jul 17, 2005 at 2:46 pm
One of these days, I have to get that whole photo album scanned in: we took lots of pictures that week while we drove from Providence, RI to Bellevue, WA….
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