This fall I’ve also been busy putting together a panel for SXSW Interactive 2006. I’m excited to announce that Bloggers in Love: Intimacy, Technology and Mask-Making will feature Lisa Williams as moderator along with three couples:
Joey DeVilla and Wendy Koslow of recent newlywed fame
Ponzi Indharasophang and Chris Pirillo of The Ponzi and Chris Show
George Sessum and Jeaneane Sessum, husband-and-wife, and parents of Baby Blogger
Here’s the panel description:
Moving in together. Doing your socks in the same load of laundry.
Merging the collections of music and books. Getting a joint checking
account……merging your blogs.
Gasp! Avert your eyes! We thought this was a family show! Couples
blogging? You mean — in public?!Living transparently online has many unintended consequences. We’ve all
heard about the “blogger gets fired” and “my mother found my blog”
stories, but this session will focus on the happiest of all blogging
accidents: Love.This session will feature people who write about their relationships
online, couples who blog, and what to do when one of you gets up on the
wrong side of the blog.
When I started blogging, my husband already had a blog. So from the beginning, I’ve been curious to discover the ways blogging affects our intimate relationships. This particular panel grew from discussions I had with Hugh Forrest, organizer of SXSW Interactive 2006, after I responded to the invitation given at Blogher encouraging us to submit proposals.
I’m grateful to Hugh for all his help as we started with a range of ideas including my “Making Masks” presentation and shaped them into a panel for the conference. I was already in debt to Lisa before I asked her to help me put together the panel and she has been a great partner in creativity. And I’m thankful that these three excellent and experienced couples are willing and eager to discuss how blogging has impacted their relationships.
I’m sure we’ll enter into some intriguing intersections of technology and intimacy, exploring the line between public and private. And I’m also certain we will have fun!
SXSW 2006 itself looks to be a blast, with an amazing list of confirmed speakers and also panel topics. Hope to see you in Austin next March!
Bonus link: Joey DeVilla posted his perspective and said he’ll be coming in his cowboy hat.…ah, but will he bring the accordion too?
1 response so far ↓
1 Sour Duck // Nov 3, 2005 at 12:33 pm
Glad to hear you’ll be at SXSW – I look forward to hearing your and fellow panelists’ thoughts.
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