Maryam described shopping with Robert. (I’m long overdue a link to her excellent new blog!)
He won’t wear the $250 Italian Cashmere Sweater, because it’s itchy.
He will wear out the cheap t-shirt he got at his last geek conference, because it’s comfy.
I had to smile. My husband dreads shopping. He’s posted that he hates it (insert Gollum’s voice…). But recently he’s realized he needs to find some new threads. His current selection of clothes in the closet is becoming a bit threadbare. As he posted, it’s difficult for him to find clothes that fit. The other night I scrolled through numerous catalog entries, searching for “xtra-small” options. The only one I found, in an entire section of men’s shirts, turned out to be nonexistent.
Like Robert, Ted likes casual clothes, often adorned with geek logos. He wears his Apache fleece coat over his OSAF, Newton and PyCon T-shirts. It’s difficult to convince him to dress up just for fun.
But I don’t mind that he’s comfortable in casual clothes. I think he’s cute whatever he’s wearing. And I like it that he’s a simple guy. If he wants to wear his free T-shirts, well, then that fits well into our budget, a concern for our growing family of five. More money for my wardrobe then! Or perhaps it means we have more money to buy hardware and gadgets to accessorize his jeans + T-shirts outfits!
Related links: Ted’s previous posts on Obsolete Software T-Shirt Day and Catching up, or I hate shopping
And please go read more of Maryam’s writings!
1 response so far ↓
1 Katherine // Nov 4, 2005 at 10:31 am
You might be interested in,27087/59/record.html
(Wallaby Station in Seattle – all kinds of clothes for smaller men)
(a blog post by a sympathizer)
(a list of stores around the country, mostly in California)
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