In an NPR interview Sunday, Gray Davis talked about his last day on the job. Perhaps I’ve missed many details, in news reports, but I didn’t know what he believed about God. Apparently he carries in his wallet a card that reads: “Nothing will happen to you today that you and God can’t handle together”(!) When asked what he and his wife had planned to do next, he replied: “We’re people of faith. We believe when God closes one door, He opens another.”
I checked Bobby Jindal’s site, to see what he’s up to now, after his loss on Saturday, and saw this note where he says, “I truly believe that as one door closes, God opens another. We will decide what to do next after some time and prayer.”
Funny how these two used the same words!
Now I hope that these parallel statements about doors opening and closing aren’t just some cliche.
Or politician-talk for “I’m unemployed.” A polite way to speak about plans, or lack thereof.
I’d like to think that these two men, an odd couple of sort, have something in common besides losing in a gubernatorial election. I’d like to think that what they also have in common is faith. And each of them will need that faith to wait for the right door to open next.
2 responses so far ↓
1 enoch // Nov 18, 2003 at 11:49 pm
i dunno about davis, but for bobby, it’s the real deal. he’s a man of faith
2 Julie Leung: Seedlings & Sprouts // Dec 1, 2004 at 2:56 am
Old friend in high places: Mr. Jindal goes to Washington
Speaking of people in the news… a college friend of Enoch’s and mine has now become a Congressman. Last year I wrote a few times about Bobby Jindal’s candidacy for governor of Louisiana. He lost in a close election and…