‘Cause the latest Seattle Symphony catalog arrived in the mail, and there are quite a few tempting concerts to see this season. The one below sounds like a lot of fun:
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: A Symphony in Six Movements
Howard Shore, composer and conductor
Members of the Seattle Symphony Chorale
Seattle Symphony
Shore: Hear the music of these acclaimed films live in Benaroya Hall with film clips from the trilogy.
I’m not an LOTR or Tolkien groupie, and I do feel some guilt about going to a Pops concert – it’s not like going to see Midori or listening to Saint-Saens, but I think it’d be fun and a good excuse to get out…
I was happy to see that Enoch and Tania enjoyed getting out to the San Francisco Symphony New Year’s Eve party earlier this week. Going to hear live music can almost be magical – and wonderful for your marriage! Ted and I have been able to go to the symphony three times since we’ve lived here – two in Seattle and one in Bremerton . In Seattle’s Benaroya Hall we got to hear Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma with the Silk Road Project (the latter was a birthday treat I requested!). We’ve also gone once as a family to a children’s concert. I don’t think we’ve been able to see the symphony so many times anywhere else we have lived. Being within walking distance – plus a ferry ride! – of Benaroya Hall downtown is one of the wonderful blessings of living on Bainbridge Island.
If you can’t make it to the symphony, with a bit of modern technology the symphony can come to you. Well, it’s not the same effect, as Enoch writes about the clarity of the hearing live instruments, but it’s still good to my ears. Using our new stereo to listen to the local classical music station has been a lot of fun. We didn’t have a tuner on our old one, so I was limited to my little boombox. Now I can blast the classics through our entire first floor. Today we did more organizing, sorting through the girls art boxes, piles of paper, all kinds of creations, envelopes, coloring books, colored feathers, pipe cleaners, paintings, etc. I turned on King FM and listened to The Barber of Seville , for the first time in a long time, if ever. It was great to feel I was educating and entertaining my mind – and the girls – while doing something a bit mindless like sorting papers.
…maybe we’ll see if Santa can come up with an after-Christmas special, work some magic of his own, or maybe another occasion will suffice as an excuse for Ted and me to get out again to the symphony….until then I’ll enjoy the Christmas gift I already got in the stereo