It’s near the end of the day today. I’ve made some scones and I’m about to sit down with a cup of tea. Maybe I’ll even make some cookies…
Today as I was reading, I saw one Seattle blogger may be coming to the island soon, and I’ve been thinking how much fun it would be to sit down and have a cup of tea with all the people I’ve met and interact with through blogging. Share some conversations, scones and cookies, together with Ted and the girls too.
So please consider our invitation, if you’re ever in town…
I even peered in my cupboard the other day and counted 31 flavors of tea – guess I could open a tea version of Baskin & Robbins here on Bainbridge.
With hot water on tap, simply pick one:
from a rainbow array of little envelopes:
blueberry - raspberry
- mango passionfruit
- peach
- lemon ginger
- orange spice
- fruit and almond
- licorice spice
- apple cinnamon
- ginseng
- chamomile
- peppermint
- wintermint
- and one bag of mint medley
- one box of Mandarin orange spice and
- another one of almond tea
in the miscelleaneous herbal category I have one bag each or so of:
- echinacea and goldenseal
- early morning riser
- Ming dynasty original blend
I’ve got a few
- Lipton tea bags
and bags of four different “colors” of tea: - green teas (3 kinds)
- green and white tea
- Rooibos red tea
- Chai spice black tea
other teas :
- vanilla nut creme decaf
- Thai tea and
- Russian Kusmi tea.
loose tea in tins:
- Oolong
- Jasmine
- Japanese green tea
- and a box of powdered
Chrysanthemum teaHere’s to the day when we can sit down face to face. Until then I’ll enjoy a cup of tea and think of you – please enjoy one on behalf of me.
3 responses so far ↓
1 tania // Jan 27, 2004 at 3:34 pm
What are the girls doing as you are serenely enjoying your tea?
2 Fran // Jan 28, 2004 at 4:50 pm
I hope to sit down with you sometime for a cup of delicious green tea. I’ll keep you posted by email on my “whereabouts.”
3 Katherine // Jan 28, 2004 at 11:19 pm
And I thought we were wild with our ice cream and cereals. We have nothing on your collection!!!