This morning I downloaded Mike Walsh’s MP3 of the Berkman meeting last night and played it while the girls and I ate breakfast. It fun at first but it wasn’t too efficient for me and hard to hear as background sound: if I turned up the volume so I could hear whoever was talking, then the laughter was LOUD. So I turned to Jay McCarthy’s notes.
Over lunch Ted and I discussed the upcoming April Bloggercon (Dave Winer announced today). Not sure either of us will be there but we’d both like to go.
Dinner though will be different tonight. We’re about to head out the door to go to Seattle. Just Ted and me. No kids. Grandma’s arriving any minute. Michaela’s already on the lookout, staring through the living room window. There’s been lots of energy in the house today: the girls bouncing about, anticipating time with Grandma while we grownups happy to have an extravagant date night….
We have reservations at a restaurant where we’ve been wanting to go for 4 years. And then we’re going to a concert, a band I’ve been wanting to see for a few years too. What a hot date, eh? Almost too good to be true…
I’ll blog about it later…I have a bunch of posts in rough draft mode but need to edit and proof read first – that will probably happen later tonight.
Got to get back into sheep dog mode now, get everyone ready, dinner prepared, pajamas put out so we can GO…..