One idea I heard tossed around at BloggerCon included creating password-protected blogs, or having categories/entries that only specific people would see. Yesterday I realized that I need to keep certain entries on this blog away from certain readers. You never know where someone’s mind is going to go and I saw so clearly how this post I wrote on Exceling in love is far too dangerous for mathematics concentrators like this person to read. I think I will begin to restrict access to these types of posts so that such mathematical types will be spared vivid imaginations involving vectors (vectors? love life in vector space?!)…then again, if I do that, other readers including this person won’t be able to read the posts either. Hmmmm…a new dilemma
Restricted access to dangerous posts
April 27th, 2004 · 1 Comment
Tags: blog
1 response so far ↓
1 Jay McCarthy // Apr 28, 2004 at 11:48 am