The good news this morning is that it looks like the girls will acquire their immunity to varicella naturally…
careful what you wish for, they say – sometimes you might just get it!…and I’m glad I’m not pregnant and the kids are not babies…but the day before the grandparents arrive for their first visit in two years isn’t quite optimal timing…
thanks to Enoch for the quick second-opinion consult
Update: Abigail is getting quite fond of her dots calling them “chickie pox” and declaring to the garden when we were outside today “I am Chicken Pox!”
2 responses so far ↓
1 Dan Leung // Apr 27, 2004 at 6:17 pm
Uh Oh!!!
2 Katherine // Apr 28, 2004 at 5:34 pm
Congratulations – and welcome to baking soda baths! That’s what Emily liked best about having chicken pox. No bubbles, just lots of baking soda in a tepid bathtub. And hello calamine lotion. Sorry for the “bad” timing…but I pray the time goes by fast and everyone is well again soon…Jason got it first, then Emily afterwards. Will be interested in the progression through your family.