Yesterday around 6 pm we lost power and it didn’t return until after 3 am this morning. There were moments of pretending we were in some sci-fi adventure – beeping (the UPS) before going “off the air”, brushing teeth “while we still have light”, being strategic with the time…
Then there were moments as if taken from a century past in time. After the girls went to bed, I sat by candlelight and read about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s daily life with his children, skipping stones and eating plums (more on that later). Then again, Ted was sitting beside me using his PowerBook batteries
Last night I was going to make cookies, banana bread, scones, fold four loads of laundry, scrub two bathrooms and get ready for Ted’s parents arrival this afternoon. Instead I ended up falling asleep on the sofa in the dark (candlelight was not sufficient for my eyes to read, alas, despite the romanticism of it).
Now I’ve got to clean out the refrigerator and I hope I can do it before the garbage collection truck arrives this morning. Throwing out food feels so wasteful to me (although I understand it) and according to this list, I’m going to be tossing most of the contents of the fridge. Looks like we’ll be eating lots of peanut butter and jelly since those are the only items that didn’t spoil.
Apologies that our email and blogs have been down….will try to write more as we can….
2 responses so far ↓
1 Katherine // Apr 28, 2004 at 5:37 pm
Bummer! What amazing double calamities right before your guests! Sorry for your troubles.
2 Paul // Apr 29, 2004 at 2:57 pm
We listened to our our two sons playing mandolin and guitar by candle light. What an evening!
It makes me think that perhaps we do not perpetual daylight. Perhaps we need those hours of twilight to slow down, focus, gather our thoughts before the coming darkness.