Elisabeth has a cute shirt in her wardrobe that was given to Abigail years ago when I was barely pregnant with Michaela…
Now I don’t like to think my children’s wardrobe is deceptive, but somehow I see this “I’m the Big Sister” shirt as a piece of practicality (A shirt that fits – wow!) rather than a proclamation….yet I feel guilty letting her wear it because…
It’s Not True!
This post brought to you as a Public Service Announcement from the Committee for People Who Read T-Shirts At Playgrounds.
P.S. If I didn’t feel so sentimental about the shirt, I’d consider passing it on to another little girl who IS a Big Sister…like Enoch and Tania’s Nally
1 response so far ↓
1 enoch choi // May 3, 2004 at 11:19 am
nally would love it