Today I did my last load of cloth diapers and packed them into a box (thank you everyone!)…So while we’re talking about choices, I thought I’d ask whether anyone could help me with a choice I need to make about eyeware. I use gas permeable contacts now but they bother me quite a bit. They always have. In the past, my eye doctors have told me that only these lenses will give me the crisp vision I want. Already I can’t wear my glasses for long because the lower quality vision I get with them bothers me too.
I’ve been wearing gas permeables for 20 years (Yikes!) – got contacts as soon as my mom would let me, so vain am I – but I’m thinking of switching to soft lenses. Or at least trying them. Ted is wearing his lenses 24/7 now and I try not to be jealous that my blind-as-I-am husband can see at night and when he wakes up in the morning (wow!).
What is driving me most at the moment is my level of discomfort with my current lenses. They probably do need another cleaning or polishing. But they’ve always irritated me a bit, and I’ve been known to “lose” them in an eye for hours at a time, because I was rubbing the itch and pushed them off my pupil. (Then I have to wait for the right conditions to get them back onto the right spot – rather irritating too!)
I’m asking this now because my lenses have been bothering me a lot recently. I’ve even taken them out in the afternoon and evening. I also have an appointment (for the first time in 3 years – I had to wait until my body had cleared out all the hormones from pregnancy and nursing) in a week with a new eye doctor, who I think will be more open to offering me soft lenses or making changes in my correction.
If anyone has any experience, opinions or ideas, please share!
As I went to publish this, I noticed that Ted has written a post tonight describing his recent visits to the dentist and eye doctor. Poor guy: he caught the cold I had and then had to go get a filling too. What a day. I’m glad I got to give him some extra cuddling as compensation
1 response so far ↓
1 Michel Vuijlsteke // May 12, 2004 at 5:05 am
I had gas permeable lenses for a little over 20 years too, and then in the space of perhaps a few months found out I couldn’t wear them anymore.
It started with a little irritation–exactly what it feels like when they need a good cleaning–but it got worse, to the point that I bought a new pair. Only to find out I had exactly the same symptoms.
Went to a different eye doctor, and he told me this sometimes just happens. Allergy, intolerance, caloused inner eyelids, I don’t know. The upshot of it all is that I can’t wear lenses. Heh.