JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'bloggercon'

Do you know who I am?

November 5th, 2004 · 13 Comments

Tomorrow at BloggerCon, I am leading a discussion on the Emotional Life of Weblogs. As I’ve been preparing, I’ve noticed recent posts describing how we relate through blogging. Halley Suitt talked about the self she puts on her blog in Who We Really Are Last month, Robert Scoble and his wife Maryam were visiting Boston […]


Tags: bloggercon

Emotional Life of Weblogs: BloggerCon III session description

October 7th, 2004 · 6 Comments

Dave Winer invited me to be a discussion leader at BloggerCon III. Below is the description of the session on the Emotional Life of Weblogs which I will be guiding on November 6 at Stanford. I am shut in a bone box and trying to fasten myself onto white paper. – from the novel Free […]


Tags: bloggercon

West Coast Blogging Conference: BloggerCon III

August 18th, 2004 · 1 Comment

If you are interested in participating in a blogging conference on the West Coast this fall, I would recommend registering for BloggerCon III while there is still space! The conference will be held at Stanford Law School on November 6. The cost is $0. Space is limited to 300. Invitation information here. I will be […]


Tags: bloggercon

My BloggerCon claim to fame

April 22nd, 2004 · Comments Off on My BloggerCon claim to fame

Lisa Williams and I arrived early on Saturday morning. Taking our assignment from Sooz, together we taped up Blogger Con II signs around the building, Pound Hall. I used a red Sharpie to draw directional arrows on some of the signs. Lisa and I joked that someone probably would blog the picture including my artwork. […]


Tags: bloggercon

Souvenirs: what I brought home from BloggerCon

April 22nd, 2004 · 1 Comment

I commented on Anita’s post about the Seattle Weblogger Meetup Wednesday night and mentioned we might come. She replied “bring us your Bloggercon souvenirs!” Souvenirs: what I’m taking home with me from my trip Let’s see….a few crinkled receipts, a handful of colored business cards, a lighter wallet… In summary, here are some thoughts… One […]


Tags: bloggercon