JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'family'

Yes, she danced

April 22nd, 2005 · 4 Comments

Saturday night [April 16] my daughter danced on stage in a sold-out show at the Bainbridge Playhouse. In her lavender leotard, Abigail was one of many participating in her ballet studio’s first recital. This was the first time Ted and I sat in the audience and watched one of our children perform. We homeschool and […]


Tags: family

Different kinds of kisses

March 30th, 2005 · 1 Comment

It recently become apparent to me that I needed to teach my children about appropriate physical affection. I needed to teach them that there are different kinds of kisses. Some are shared between friends. Some are for sisters. And some are for mommies and daddies. Via Ghost Words ( found via Susan Kitchens) Sunday morning […]


Tags: family

Elephants drink tea

March 30th, 2005 · 1 Comment

something I didn’t know until my 2-year-old told me…


Tags: family

One page at a time

March 30th, 2005 · 1 Comment

She speaks of dreams and helps them happen…thanks to Liz Ditz who (in an email conversation following her comment on my Missing my instruction manual blog post) sent me tips and a helpful site where I learned how to put Abigail’s hair in a bun!


Tags: family

“Privy to the smoke and mirrors and the strings…”: children of legendary rock stars in Rolling Stone

March 26th, 2005 · No Comments

While searching on Rolling Stone, I found Children of Rock: Growing up in the shadow of legends, an excerpt from an article (and photo shoot) with quotes from adult children of legendary musicians. The kids, now in their twenties and thirties, reveal experiences growing up with famous parents and reasons why they connect with each […]


Tags: family