JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'family'

My first skate

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on My first skate

Today we took the girls to the Bremerton Ice Arena where we had fun as a family last year. This time Elisabeth went on the ice too, wearing some of smallest skates in the place. She begged to be like her older sisters, saying “ice please” but when Ted took her for a spin, she […]


Tags: family

What the Vikings stole from us

December 30th, 2004 · 9 Comments

I’ve been using a homeschool curriculum list to locate books for Abigail to read. Since she has progressed beyond picture books and easy readers, it’s been difficult to find quality stories that will challenge her skills among all the options at the library. I liked the list and found its selections trustworthy, often skimming the […]


Tags: family

As you requested, my love…

December 22nd, 2004 · 2 Comments

Tonight I need to decide what to buy for Christmas dinner. I’m tempted to try brining ham in Coca-Cola. When I mentioned my plan to Ted, he replied You’re more adventurous than I am…, and I had a fun time responding to that line… Elisabeth though knows what she wants to eat. After I explained […]


Tags: family

The girls are growing like weeds

December 22nd, 2004 · No Comments

or maybe they are growing like the purple, blue and red flowers they painted on this board which we plan to use to mark and measure each girl’s height…as they grow through time…


Tags: family

The kids are always funny, you know

December 13th, 2004 · 1 Comment

For dinner last night Abigail and I made lasagne. Michaela helped too. It was a small assembly line between the three of us preparing the various layers (with uncooked noodles). Then we sat down together at the table to eat. The kids try to remember to say thank you to the cook, especially if they […]


Tags: family