JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'travels'

San Francisco Chronicles – introducing Flickr

September 21st, 2004 · 2 Comments

I still haven’t yet posted pictures and thoughts from our trip to the Bay Area in August. So I thought I would combine a brief trip report with the announcement that I, like my beloved (who beat me to the post!), have a flickr account. I have noticed other bloggers using flickr to post pictures […]


Tags: travels

How to find broadband, burgers and a bit of exercise: map requests for yahoo and mapquest

August 30th, 2004 · 3 Comments

Both David Weinberger and Dave Winer on the same day last week commented on wifi available in hotels. In choosing hotels for two recent road trips, I have failed to be choosy about wi-fi availability, leaving Ted dial-up on a line as his only option. I agree with David Weinberger, that I’d rather have the […]


Tags: travels

Doing the meat math myself

August 3rd, 2004 · Comments Off on Doing the meat math myself

On my post discussing the Corp of Discovery’s diet, Rayne commented The Corp of Discovery probably did eat that much meat — but the guesstimated daily amount of 8-10 lbs. is probably gross weight, including all skin, sinew, bones, antlers and hooves, less desirable organs or tissue that may not have been consumed as food. […]


Tags: travels

the Dangers, Difficulties and fatigues

August 3rd, 2004 · 2 Comments

An exchange of letters between Lewis and Clark The film at the Fort Clatsop Visitor Center noted that Lewis and Clark treated each other as equals even though Lewis officially held higher rank than his partner. It was also said that the two leaders respected and cared for all of the Corp. Much has been […]


Tags: travels

Hotel horror stories

August 3rd, 2004 · Comments Off on Hotel horror stories

Perhaps I should have taken it as a premonition that Robert Scoble posted a hotel horror story the weekend before our family vacation. I didn’t think twice about it though, just as I didn’t think twice about the hotel I had chosen…but I should have…. I didn’t think it would matter much where we stayed […]


Tags: travels