JulieLeung.com: a life told in tidepools

pictures and stories from the water’s edge

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Entries Tagged as 'warts'

The wonders of W

October 31st, 2003 · 2 Comments

Compound W that is! Halloween seems to be as good a night as any to finish my wart chronicles … …and to share with you our good news that for the first time in a year our family is free of plantar warts! Hooray! I got the first one, or at least noticed it, at […]


Tags: warts

Wart update…

September 5th, 2003 · 2 Comments

Yeah, sure, nice topic to choose, just what ya wanna read…. well, I felt responsible to update this blog, in case any one cares – or if anyone out there is also suffering! – with the proper name of the medicine being used on our family’s warts… Today I had to take Abigail back to […]


Tags: warts

This is not FDA approved

August 4th, 2003 · Comments Off on This is not FDA approved

Note: I wrote this entry a few days ago but didn’t have time to polish it. I decided to post it today, since I thought it fit well with the theme of the day… Took Abigail to the dermatologist today, actually to the doctor’s nurse practitioner, Vicky, for her plantar wart to be treated with […]


Tags: warts